Thursday, April 22, 2010

Teaching philosophy

The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher.
Elbert Hubbard
When most students entered into any university, they want to be good student at languages. They think that if we can pass college exam and then enter it, we can speak, listen, read and write fluently. At that time, they have great inspiration. Thus, teacher’s very acceptable responsibility is to encourage their learning desire, especially speaking lesson.
I think, teachers who teach speaking lesson have to make speaking environment. Not only their speaking skill was improved but also other abilities become better. Making any language spoken environment in Mongolia means that we create new cabinet which is very open surroundings. In there, students can open their talents and abilities which they communicate to with any sector’s people. I think, it is the most important teaching method. So we must change Mongolian education system.

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